Here’s a page from Ross McCammon’s book, Works Well with Others: An Outsider’s Guide to Shaking Hands, Shutting Up, Handling Jerks, and Other Crucial Skills in Business That No One Ever Teaches You.
Find as many “Two beers and a puppy” friends as you can, and better yet, strive to be one yourself.
Here’s the full text:
“Two Beers and and a puppy” is a test I developed while working on the Esquire story on the American “son of a bitch.” The test is: In order to find out how you actually feel about someone, ask yourself: “Would I have two beers with this person?” And: “Would I allow this person to look after my puppy over a weekend?”
Some people are no and no. These people are to be avoided at all costs. Some people are yes and no. These people are two be cautiously trusted. Some people are no and yes. These people are no fun but they make the world a better place — for puppies, especially. And some people are yes and yes. These people are wonderful people and your life and work are better for having them in your life. Seek them out. Collaborate with them. Enjoy their company.
[ Found via Ryan Rossman. ]
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